Treat the cause, not the symptoms with Fascial Counterstrain
“Over the last 39 Years I’ve had the privilege of working with more than 50 million people in over 100 countries. The demands I have put on my body for those decades are a bit crazy. As a result I suffered debilitating physical pain for years. I tried virtually every form of body work before meeting Brian Tuckey and his team of Fascial Counterstrain practitioners. This work and it’s proprietary multi system approach, has alleviated my symptoms and enabled me to perform at the highest level. The technique is gentle, painless and yields instant results which can only be described as miraculous at times. I highly recommend this technique to anyone who wishes to maximize their physical performance and feel it will soon revolutionize not only the world of chronic pain but also athletic performance and recovery.”
Anthony “Tony” Robbins
#1 New York Times Best Selling Author, Life and Business Strategist, Philanthropist
Interview Series with Fascial Counterstrain Innovator Brian Tuckey PT, OCS, JSCCI
Fascial Counterstrain (FCS) is an innovative system of soft tissue manipulation developed by orthopedic specialist Brian Tuckey PT, OCS, JSCCI. Learn more in this series of interviews with the creator of Fascial Counterstrain.
Episode 1 introduces Brian’s academic background which led to the eventual development of Fascial Counterstrain. Episode 2 dives deeper into Brian’s process of discovering the role of fascia in the body and the development of new treatments.
Brian and his staff have a wonderful, credible reputation
Read more “Brian and his staff have a wonderful, credible reputation”
I always recommend this office to all of my friends and relatives
Read more “I always recommend this office to all of my friends and relatives”
I am beyond grateful for the tireless work and commitment from Karen at Tuckey & Associates
Immediate and unexpected results following Fascial Counterstrain treatment (head and neck) from Brian Tuckey!
I’ve struggled with insomnia for 10+ years. With PTSD, my sleep was non-restorative and very light. My sleep schedule previously was to go to sleep around 2am ish, sometimes 4am, sometimes not at all and I would try to force myself out of bed exhausted- or sleep till noon or 2pm or later.
I captured portions of my sleep pattern change on an app as verification of the changes.
I’ve noticed my heart rate and respirations have been slower.
All of my neck muscles have been less stiff than I ever remember. I haven’t had any headaches since the treatment! In 10 days I would usually have had at least have 3.
Multiple people have mentioned something “different” about my face. My mother, neighbor, best friend, psychologist, and Lauren. Some couldn’t place it. But my psychologist said I looked happy! Joyful! Healthy. I think treatment had an effect on my depression that was apparent to those who know me best. I do feel happier!
My body also feels like I have much less inflammation. I’ve had less pain overall and my chronic exertional compartment syndrome in my legs has been less restrictive. I have been able to stand and walk much longer this week!!
Thanks for making my life better!
Thank You!!!
For months I have been thinking about how to tell you thank you. I know you understand what you do works. But I still feel compelled to tell you, it does! The last 6 months have been nothing short of miraculous. Except I know and believe that it is like you said to me “God gave these hands wisdom”. What a special, specific answer to years of prayer! I pray to the Lord so long to give wisdom to understand this body he created. It seemed to be beating me up! How awesome that he was answering those prayers teaching you all those years. Now when my body was ready to receive healing you were ready administer what you had learned.
Here are a few things I have been experiencing since my treatment with you in July. For starters I was amazed when I returned home and walked the 2 flights of stairs from my garage to my kitchen without a second thought of falling, missing a step
or being out of breath! I burst out laughing when I got to the top saying to my husband “Did you see that? I didn’t even have to try to get up the stairs!!” He laughed and said “wow, okay good job, I guess I didn’t realize it had been such an effort!” That was just the beginning of many things to follow that I would get super excited to not have to put SO much effort into thinking about everyday functions. It was hard for others to understand the healing I’ve experienced because I guess I had gotten good at pretending pretty well to do things normally. But on the inside life has been such a struggle to function. For weeks after your treatment I was explaining that all my body movements were kind of like getting used to a new glasses prescription. Literally has felt like I have been given a new body!
One crazy thing that I noticed within a week of getting home, none of my shoes fit right anymore. Every pair felt like I had gotten them from a second hand store or garage sale.
I went shopping. 😊👟
The Dyslexia has improved greatly! I can memorize number sequences, read and retain words and music so much better and faster. I’m actually studying a second language and it is going well!
I am relaxed in my work. I’m no longer stressed about getting so behind or having too much success because my health will let me and others down.
I didn’t climb the 14er in Colorado. Was lead to just enjoy feeling amazing and not push my body to the max anymore to survive. But I did hike some waterfalls and it was amazing! Every time I hike I get the giggles because I can feel the weight in both my feet now. I’m not so exhausted one half of my body doing all the work dragging the other half along. I’m not constantly afraid of falling on my face anymore.
A year ago I wouldn’t even been able to even tell you that was what my body was doing. The best explanation I could come up with then was ” part of my body feels like wood sometimes “.
I’ve not even come close to having a Lymes seizure/episode since July!!
My food allergies went from 86 to 26
24 severe to 4! This is so huge!
Also you were right about being able to look at past trauma differently. It doesn’t hurt me anymore. Relationships are healing too.
Wonderful that music is back in my life. Not just playing the piano. I have a voice!!! Who knew!? That last thing you did on my vocal chords released so much!! Maybe the chord wrapped around my neck at birth, maybe the trauma of abuse and being told my voice would kill others. Maybe all the things. But I have a voice and I’m going to praise God with it as long as he gives me breath!! I started voice lessons with my son in August and told my teacher it was for my son, I have a very weak voice. She wholeheartedly disagreed with me and has been showing me how untrue that is. I’m having so much fun!
There are many more things that keep improving over time. Habits are changing and I’m learning and improving new ones.
I don’t guess I have the words to truly thank you fully. But I praise God for you constantly. Thank you for listening as he gave you wisdom. Keep doing that please!
This is the best way I can sum this up:
Because you and the Fascia Counterstrain treatment are God’s answer to my years of prayers… I’m living! The past is there, the future is there and I am right here in this moment with a heart full of thanksgiving!
I appreciate you!
I highly recommend it
After a nasty car accident and 6 months of painful PT, was sent here by my physical therapist when I stopped making progress with her. Justin works magic. Plain and simple. This technique is painless and amazing. I highly recommend it.
I love this place!!
Thank you!
I never thought PT would help my migraines, but it did. I used to average at least 2 migraines a month for almost a decade, but I have been migraine-free for over 18 months and it has changed my life. Thank you!
Results can be amazing. Highly recommended!!
Thanks so much Chris
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Fascial Counterstrain is designed to identify and correct dysfunction in all of the body’s systems including the vascular, visceral, nervous and musculoskeletal systems.
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