Medical Conditions Treated

The Following is a partial list of conditions treated at Tuckey and Associates Physical Therapy. Please feel free to call if your diagnosis does not appear on this list.

Adhesive Capsulitis (frozen shoulder) Myofascial pain syndrome
ACL tears / reconstruction Neck pain
Anxiety Disorders Neuropathy (idiopathic)
Balance disorders Pain of unknown cause (all areas)
Bell’s Palsy Parkinson’s Disease
Brain Fog (impaired cognition) Plantar fasciitis
Bunions POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)
Chronic pain (neck, back, and all extremities) PTSD (post-traumatic Stress Disorder)
CRPS /RSD (Complex regional pain syndrome) Rotator cuff tears / repairs
Concussion (post-concussion syndrome) Seizures
Degenerative disc disease Shoulder instability
Digestive Disorders/IBS Spinal instability
Disc bulges / herniations Spondylolithesis (slipped / fractured vertebra)
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (associated pain) Sprained / torn ligaments (all areas)
Endocrine Disorders (unknown cause) Tachycardia (unknown)
Epilepsy Tendonitis
Fibromyalgia Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
Headaches (migraine, chronic tension) TMJ disorders
Heel spurs Torticollis (adult, infant)
Joint replacements Tremors (intention and resting)
Muscle strains / tears Trigeminal Neuralgia
Meniscus tears/ pain Veritgo (BPPV)
Osteoarthritis (all areas) Whiplash
Labrum tears/pain Women’s Health
Low back pain Covid-Long-Haulers Syndrome
Lyme Disease/Tick-Borne Illness

Our Maryland Clinic

Reduce swelling, restore normal blood flow and calm inflamed nerves with Fascial Counterstrain.

Contact our office today for an appointment and treat the cause, not just the symptoms.

Make an Appointment
301.698.9956 75 Thomas Johnson Drive, Suite L
Frederick, MD 21702